Also along to observe was James Edwards of High Mountaineering so we had quite a pleasant and sociable day and we managed to pick up some tips and onfo, along with a recap of the basic crevasse rescue system. This meant James hanging off the edge of Number 4 Gully whilst we attempted to pull him up!
We passed one team en route and saw a few folks out and about; one team heading up near Number 3 or 4 Gully, another in the Tower Gully area and Number 2 Gully Buttress-ish. Also on the way across "The Gap" we saw a team down below Glovers Chimney, and when we descended Number 4 there was a team in North Gully; so there's still things to go for for a few weeks yet so long as there's a nice frost!
Tower Ridge in profile with Tower Gap high up in the centre of the picture.
James and Mike climbing the first chimney section out of the Douglas gap, which had a little snow near it's top but otherwise was just wet and greasy.
At the top of the first climbing section, about Diff/V Diff ish depending how wet it is?
Looking across Coire na Ciste to Number 4 Gully just right of centre and to it's left the grade I North Gully - one for the future I think (along with Tower Gully).
Lorna, myself and James just after we passed the onl;y people we saw on the ridge.
Heading up towards the Great Tower, before we go to it's left for the winter route and the Eastern Traverse.
Making our way around the entertaining Eastern Traverse, with quite a big drop beneath out feet!
A quick rest whilst we contemplate the crossing of Tower Gap!
Trying to look graceful as you lower yourself down off the block and into the gap - not.
(double click the vids to get full size).
After a spot of lunch over looking the coire, we stopped above Number 4 Gully to practice some basic crevasse rescue systems and then descended the gully itself and then back down to the car park.